Tuesday, February 10, 2009

NEWS - Articles to come

HI everyone

I have been pretty busy trying to get The Gym Press Library sorted out, and i will continue working on it until i have all the articles i have available referenced. However more importantly i have been working on researching 2 new articles that i plan to publish this year at some point. One is on training the clearhip to handstand, and the other is on sprint training for vault.
The reason why these articles are going to take a while is because i am actually doing them as a case study and using my gymnasts as subjects.
The sprint training program start this week, and i will run for 14 weeks at which point i will be able to write up the article.
The clearhip to HS is purely dependent on how quickly the gymnast learn the skill.
These i have a feeling will be some very interesting articles so keep tuned.

In the mean time i encourage everyone to think about contributing to the Gym Coach journal and share your knowledge with others.

Thank You

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